Water Treatment
and Filtration
Your Water, Your Health.

If you’re concerned about the quality of your water, we highly recommend having the water tested annually. Naturally-occurring elements from well water vary from nuisance (such as odors or staining) to unhealthy as determined by the EPA.
Our in-house water testing allows us to determine the precise components and concentrations of elements which should be filtered out. We can then provide you with the proper equipment along with a precise quote that includes all parts and labor.
Forest Pump & Filter Co. installation crews are insured, polite and friendly. We particularly pride ourselves on the neatness of our work. Any trash, old parts and packaging material leaves with us.
So, whether you have an existing water treatment system or need a replacement, Forest Pump & Filter Co. can install a system that will meet your water needs.

Common compounds & containments requiring filtration
Hardness – A value given to water containing minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Hardness is a hot water heater’s nightmare: scaling up elements in hot water tanks and boilers. In concentrations above 30mg/l (milligrams per liter) it can leave a scaley, white stain in tubs, sinks, and washing machines.
Iron – A naturally occurring element that is not believed to be harmful, but causes orange or brown staining in fixtures and laundry. The acceptable iron level in water is .3 mg/l. Iron is very common in this region.
Manganese – Another naturally occurring element that causes a dark brown or black stain in fixtures. The acceptable level for manganese is .05 mg/l.
pH – A scale of corrosivity. 7 being non-corrosive or “neutral”; below 7 is considered acidic and above 7 is considered basic. Acidic water is dangerous to plumbing; stripping away layers of copper pipe and depositing green stains in sinks and tubs. The acceptable pH scale for drinking water is 6.5 – 8.5.
Hydrogen Sulfide – A compound element found in a gaseous form giving water an unpleasant “rotten egg” smell.
Arsenic – A toxic element synonymous with “poison”. Arsenic has been proven to be carcinogenic and tends to attack the kidneys, and liver. In January of 2006, the EPA changed the maximum amount of acceptable arsenic for public drinking water from .050 mg/l to .010 mg/l . The Northeast and Southwest United States are “hot spots” for arsenic contamination. Be sure to test your water for arsenic.
Bacteria – There are numerous types of waterborne bacteria which can cause digestive tract problems. The worst of these “coliforms” is known as E. Coli. This pathogen can cause severe kidney infections and possibly death.
For more information about the acceptable levels in water visit NH Department of Environmental Services.